Location: Birmingham, Alabama, United States

I'm a telecommunications engineer who has recently once again taken a shine to the notion of finding an outlet for his thoughts, and all too frequent encounters with the strange.

Monday, August 15, 2005

On Surviving the Weekend

Pretty dramatic title, but now that I have that much why stop now?
Truth be told, the only way that the weekend presented a survival challenge was that it was boring... I really don't know why. I mean it wasn't like I sat at home counting the hairs that my cat had shed on the sofa (a guaranteed time killer). I went out, and was bored by the scene. I went to a party...and saw a bunch of friends in their natural habitat, as well as strange behaviors and unexpected antics.
I even saw a band play that was pretty damn good (local funk band, I still hold the belief firmly that GOOD funk is best seen live).

But for some strange reason it all seemed as bland as two-day-old chewing gum, and just about as thrilling to experience. It's like going to hang out with your friends and finding that they are all supercharged about football to the point that it's all they want to think about (I never really could get into football, Sure the games are interesting...I even attended an SEC school, but I don't know or even care about which receiver made the winning touchdown in the big game against so-and-so 5 years ago, and what the hell does it matter?), only they are supercharged about the same things you usually would be, and you still just can't find the thrill.

I dunno, maybe I need to take a vacation or something. Perhaps I should start dating, or get in on an illegal poker game. Whatever. I just need to get something going that's a little more out of the ordinary..... for me, that is.


Blogger Solderjunkie said...

It won't be after I quit, Boomer.

8:18 PM  

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