Location: Birmingham, Alabama, United States

I'm a telecommunications engineer who has recently once again taken a shine to the notion of finding an outlet for his thoughts, and all too frequent encounters with the strange.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Vehicular frustrations....and they say her nickname's "T-Bone"

Only two days into the month of August and I can already tell that it's going to be a doosey.... mostly pertaining to things with wheels under them.
1) Got a call from the 'rents the other night, here's a sample:
"So dad say's that you guys got a new car"
"Yeah, I had a wreck and totaled the Pontiac"
"Yeah it was my fault, I pulled out and got T-boned by a
Lincoln, But your dad's using the money to get a Jeep

I can see dad's conundrum here, and, granted she has only had 2 other accidents in the last 3 years:
1) she backed out of the driveway and T-boned a car parallel parked across the street
2) the rear-ender in the school zone

Gotta love mom, but I'm hoping that the State of Florida will once again suspend her license and put a halt to this before she becomes the subject of a Fox News soundbite along with all the other sweet, grey-haired ladies that unwittingly reek death and destruction using large, sturdy American cars.

2) Looks like I'm getting another station wagon. My one-handed Iranian boss has decided to ease the burden of long distance micromanagement by selling me the company car. So as long as he remembers to sign the right lines on the title, I'll be the not so proud owner of a two-tone, baby blue over rust '82 Datsun with a flakey seat belt buckle and 3 hubcaps....Woo hoo! but hey, it's got a moon roof.

More drivel to come
Peace out


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