Location: Birmingham, Alabama, United States

I'm a telecommunications engineer who has recently once again taken a shine to the notion of finding an outlet for his thoughts, and all too frequent encounters with the strange.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Friday Night Wanderings

Had another one of those strange nights, What can I say? It started with a birthday party....Ugh, No offense to little sis, I love her to death and was glad to see her, her beau, and the rest of the gang, but these things are kinda awkward for me. First off, I have a pretty strict rule about drinking and driving, only one beer per hour, if that much. Combine that with being the "7th wheel" and hanging out in a Karaoke bar (an activity that to be truly enjoyed to its fullest requires a bit more than a taste of beer in one's mouth). I only hope that they can forgive me for appearing wierded out. Besides, I was tired. I spent the entire dinner drinking black coffee before we went out and it was finally starting to kick in just as we were parting ways. At least the conversation was good (what we had in the restaurant and what I could hear over some of the worst performances since the last time I was sober in a Karaoke bar) and Irish got a chance to see that it was actually true that I had gotten a haircut.

(You can just skip to next paragraph if you want to)

Trust me, it had to be done, the haircut I mean, I've been balding..uh, OK....I've been Bald for a while now and was growing weary of having to mess with what was left. Besides, I couldn't wear it down anymore without looking like Riff-Raff from the Rocky Horror Picture show, or the guy who's wanted in six counties for stealing condoms and chiclets from quicky marts. No, for the last time, that wasn't me, I despise chiclets and haven't found myself needing a condom anytime in the last.... ok, it's been a while, but I'm looking for Ms. Right. So back off, or introduce me to someone who isn't a Psycho, drug addict, alcoholic, skank, self loathing, 'separated', or afraid of men in general, and let them know that I don't think it's cute, or the least bit ok, if their dog makes 'wee wee' when excited, any critter that you insist on letting sleep in your bed with you should be house trained. Thank you.

Anyway, there I was, it was only about 12:15 and I was now feeling the full effects of my coffee, so I decided to do a little wandering and see what was up in the neighborhood.
For the unintiated I live in a pretty strange part of town. I kinda like it, but wouldn't want to raise my kids there.
Usually I'll talk to D.A. (all names have been changed to protect the strange) but she'd already packed up her stand for the night and had moved on, her friend is supposed to be making me celtic maze and I was wondering how that was coming along. Singer was out along with some of the permanent residents (as I call them) and I spoke with him for a while. He's been hoping to get a few more voices and start a quartet (blues and soul),and I wish him the best because he's got a great voice.
It started to get a little spooky about then, so I decided to go on down to my usual haunt and see what was up. I said my hellos and spoke with the Englishman. I hadn't seen him in a while, he's been going through a nasty divorce and is finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel....after about 50 grand in atourney's fees. Yike's, and I thought mine was nasty!
He'd been talking with Legal for a while and was happy about hearing that things were, by all indications, grinding to an end in the courts. Me and Legal were chatting when Belle walked by and said 'Hi' on her way out, and I made the mistake of admitting to Legal that I still have a secret crush on her (best kept secret from Belle, She's a friend, and a pretty awesome woman to boot, but I pretty much decided that I didn't want to date her, she's not really my type and Chuckler -perhaps her closest male friend- says that I'd be a fool to get caught up in the drama that would ensue). Then Legal got all motherly and told me that she and I would be a great Item, and that I should ask her out. "You're such a great guy", "She needs a man like you","Don't sell yourself short" and my favorite, "She's a very pretty girl"....duh! I might just do that, but then again... naaah, I know her too well and I don't need the drama. Thankfully, this conversation came to an end when Miss J came in. I spoke with Miss J for a while and The Wiz put in a movie. That was pretty cool, but just as me and Miss J were getting into it, Music man and Chuckler pre-empted the show for Madden Football. Me and Miss J didn't know that they'd called dibs on A.V. earlier...thanks for the tease Wiz. Oh well, the coffee was wearing off anyway so I said my goodbyes and walked home, fed the cat, and went to bed.

More drivel coming Monday!


Blogger Zipdot said...

But what were Chico and The Man doing during all of this?

9:42 AM  
Blogger Solderjunkie said...

I think they were in negotiations with a 3rd world dictator who wants to corner the professional dog-walking market....

6:38 PM  

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