Location: Birmingham, Alabama, United States

I'm a telecommunications engineer who has recently once again taken a shine to the notion of finding an outlet for his thoughts, and all too frequent encounters with the strange.

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Moon was full.....that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

There it was, Friday night and I was in the same mood as when I posted my last blog, after completing those tasks, and drinking a substantial amount of that fabulous exlir known as coffee, I found myself sitting at home with a caffiene buzz and nothing to do.

They say that the devil is afoot on full moon nights.

I went down to the usual spot seeking something to stop the nervous vibrations....and found it, gratis and in great quantity.

"Geez guys, no more, are you trying to kill me! I just wanted one beer, be around people who aren't wanting me to work miracles with cheap electronics, and kill a coffee buzz!"

Then my cell went off....(It doesn't do that often enough for me to get used to the sensation of something vibrating in the waistline)
and when I recovered my senses I found out it was Miss H.

That's when my evening went haywire...

I have known Miss H for a while now and we'd talked now and again, kinda' keeping in touch. She'd mentioned that she had a TV that she wanted me to look at and I'd said I'd check it out if she'd drop it off... but the opportunity had never presented in our busy schedules for that to occur. Anyway, she said she might be able to drop it off in "a while", and I honestly didn't take it seriously and went back to discussing the installation of 2 more flat panel monitors with the owner, who insisted in periodically toasting the prospect of the business deal with MIND ERASERS.

Then the cell went off again..."I'm on the way to your place with the TV now....What you're still there....OK, It'll take me about 30 minutes anyway, can you meet me?"

Suddenly I realize that she's serious, and I jump into action like Batman, I pay for my one beer....confirm the order with the owner and instantly feel hyped and drunk at the same time.

I grabbed a cab, and remembered that I hadn't cleaned the catbox.

Home in a flash, I run in and start scooping the litter and then catch myself, "What the hell am I doing? She's just dropping off a TV...don't be a fool, just add some litter and baking soda...and for Godsakes, drink some coffee you Idiot! This is business, and it already looks bad enough, wash your face, spray some deoderizer and put things into perspective!"

15 minutes later, a calmer, business-oriented-looking drunken fool opens the door to see Miss H standing there with:
1)a 1963 Two toned portable with chrome accents
2)a chihuahua

And then things got wierd...
I had already made my mind up not to date this woman, no, it's not that she's not kinda cute, she's a pixie, it's the other stuff.
Perhaps it sounds a little hypocritical, but she's totally random and a touch obsessive compulsive. But we had fun, she dusted my shelves (no innuendo or pun here) and reorganized objects. She modeled my hat collection (I have pictures), Gave treats to my cat (she brought them herself, even though she doesn't own a cat), Smelled all my pipe tobaccos, and commented on the fact that she too has 3 month old milk in the fridge that's about to explode (I cleaned that out after she left, it was that wierd of a comment).
We then spent another hour or so discussing religion and politics before, in the breaking daylight, she left.

Ok, the moon was full... but from now on:

Nobody brings me a TV to repair after 11pm....
Unless they happen to be a pixielike 20 something obsessive compusive woman bearing beer, a chihuahua and a willingness to clean the place.....and then I still might not consider it unless I'm drunk,the TV is a classic made before 1970,you give treats to my cat...and you insist on me taking pictures of you modeling my hats!

I am, after all, nobody's fool.


Blogger Skillzy said...

Heyyyy, where are the pics? And what kind of pipe tobacco do you like? I lean towards the smoky English blends myself.


7:06 AM  

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