Location: Birmingham, Alabama, United States

I'm a telecommunications engineer who has recently once again taken a shine to the notion of finding an outlet for his thoughts, and all too frequent encounters with the strange.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Machine

I had a pretty wierd dream last night.
I found myself standing outside of the universe, observing the whole thing as though it was a vast machine moving to a single, purposeful end. I found this a little assuring, as it seemed as simplistic as a bus moving down the highway toward it's destination, its passengers being all of humanity. And I likened it to a Greyhound charter on its way to some great wholesome family vacation spot.

Being interested in machines I begged the designer to let me see it's inner workings. Perhaps, I thought, I could deduce it's purpose and destination by understanding its characteristics, design and structure, as I had done before with other mechanisms. The designer finally conceded and showed me the diagram.....and well, there it was, the engine that drives all we know. It consisted of uncountable parts each perfoming uncountable functions and the parts constantly changed in form and function as they interacted with all the parts that surrounded them...these parts were nothing less than everything known and unknown, that ever was or will be.

I took out a magnifying glass, and focused on the least complicated portion only to see a child, who by interacting with a parent changes the parent, who interacts with a coworker and suggests a new car that interacts with the air.......

And then I woke up with the feeling that somehow it may be in some way significant that my cat is shedding..... And even with a diagram of the chaos, neither I, nor anybody else could ever know.


Blogger Zipdot said...

Lemme guess... Then a group of midgets ran up and stole the map of the universe and disappeared through a glowing door. Then they hooked up with a young boy who kicked it with James Bond and helped them fight Sark from Tron.

You will either get this joke or you won't.

7:02 AM  

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