Location: Birmingham, Alabama, United States

I'm a telecommunications engineer who has recently once again taken a shine to the notion of finding an outlet for his thoughts, and all too frequent encounters with the strange.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Almost Spontaineous

Advetures in Atlanta.....
Now, those that know me know that I'm not exactly the most impulsive creature on this Green Marble..... a trait I have developed as a defense mechanism against my genetic luck deficiency and history of poor judgement.

Yet, despite this I somehow strive on occasion to force myself to do things that I inherantly know will be "fun".......grudgingly charging forth with as much a sense of cautious optimism as dread.

Yeah, I'd lost my glasses white water canoeing (still haven't recieved the replacements), got stood up on a blind date (a blessing in disguise?) and sprained the wrist of my drinking hand.....all within the proceeding 5 days. But when a friend invited Zaron and I to attend his opening performance for Ministry at the Masquerade in the ATL, I grudgingly mustered my pluck for yet another adventure.......admitting that I did, after all, have a great time on all three preceeding occasions despite loss, injury and/or peril.

I donned black, had a hellova road trip, drank, listened to loud music with unintelligable lyrics, smuggled a bottle of Cuervo past cops in my pants, drank more, partied like the friend of a rockstar, participated in the trashing of a hotel room and forgot about life's difficulties for a whole 24hrs......despite an attack of flatulence that I'm told (but honestly don't remember) resulted in my breaking wind in the face of very hot girl.
Not a bad time indeed. I'd say more but, I have some needlepoint I gotta get done.


Blogger Zipdot said...

I ate your mother's lint pizza last night... extra cheese. and mushrooms I think.

9:09 AM  

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