Location: Birmingham, Alabama, United States

I'm a telecommunications engineer who has recently once again taken a shine to the notion of finding an outlet for his thoughts, and all too frequent encounters with the strange.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Standard Political Rant

"Bush sucks", "Bush doesn't suck", "Democrats suck", "Republicans suck"
It seems that everywhere I go these days I hear the same things over and over like a broken, yet very opinionated, record.

Perhaps Bush does suck....or at least some of his actions and shortcomings.

is the fact that most people don't seem to realize that the Executive branch isn't the entire Federal Government. And by forgetting the fact that the House and Senate (Bodies composed of representatives from every state in the Union) have the power to overide the President and make decisions by a committee vote, we discard the very notion of representative government, in the making of laws, declaration of wars, and aid of our fellow citizens (whether in disaster, or simple healthcare).

So do these things before you bitch about the Prez:

1)Remember that he is only human, and nobody can be right all the time, this is why a system of checks and balances is built right into the consitution.

2)The People have the power to contact their representatives, join lobbys that pester them, and elect other reps. if they see fit.

3)Just because somebody has your favorite animal on their business card (Elephant or Donkey) doesn't make them qualified for the job.
Opinions, qualifications, and agendas still vary from person to person, and some people just suck.

4)Ask yourself, "Do I know who my representatives are?","And how do I contact them?"

If you can't honestly answer #4, then find out or just shut the hell up, you aren't participating in a democratic society if you don't give yourself a voice in the body that makes the laws, controls the actions and spending of the Government, and gives representation in goverment to individuals and groups of individuals (not just big business).

No matter what you think of Bush, he is not the ultimate authority and it's time that we stop thinking of him as such.

Don't bitch......organize.


Blogger UhEaux said...

Nicely put. Minimal editing and it's ready for the Op-Ed page.

9:28 PM  

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