Location: Birmingham, Alabama, United States

I'm a telecommunications engineer who has recently once again taken a shine to the notion of finding an outlet for his thoughts, and all too frequent encounters with the strange.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hurricanes Suck!

Having lived through the aftermath of Andrew in Miami, and subjecting an unwitting Zaron to the same, I thought I had seen the worst a "little wind and rain" could do to a place, that is until I saw those images of The Big Easy and Gulfport on the news. Sure, Andrew
was a sonofabitch...and wading was required, but on the all I believe that Miami and Homestead had it a little easier than the poor souls that found themselves in the path of this one, for a couple of reasons - Construction and sealevel to name a couple as well as the mere size and speed of the bitch.

Most of South Florida is constructed of concrete, and must conform to strict building codes, not to trivialize the damages- they were pretty ghastly- but most of the homes had at least the walls intact to protect the residents that were reluctant to leave.
In contrast, most of the homes in the wake of Katrina were wooden, and a bit older resulting in death amidst shattered toothpicks.

South Florida is above sea level, a great portion of New Orleans is actually BELOW sea level, and that's before the storm surge, this was a disaster waiting to happen, what just ran off into the sea after Andrew, ran into the river and lake in New Orleans, broke the levies and drowned the city.

Yeah, I know that every talking head of the television world has probabaly said the same things....But that job opportunity in Indiana is beginning to look a little more attractive....Now if I could convince my sister and parents (who live in Tampa and West Palm Beach) to go with me, perhaps I'd breath a little easier as the next 'wave' leaves the coast of Africa.


Blogger Solderjunkie said...

Tampa- The famous 10 minute sunburn, transient self absorbed women that are usually Yankees, Oh yeah.....and hurricanes

Indiana- longer spring and fall, good paying union jobs, and folks just like everyone else in my family other than my sister and I

8:22 PM  

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